BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Current Concepts in Pelvic Floor Management: Faecal Incontinence course UID:12 DESCRIPTION:This course will look at all aspects of diagnosis and management of Faecal Incontinence. Day One is suitable for Medical Professionals, Physiotherapists, Nurses, Allied Health Care Professionals. Day Two (hands on element) is suitable for trainee Surgeons.\n\nFor professionals seeing and managing pelvic floor symptoms, the course offers limited delegate numbers for high preceptor ratio and close mentorship. The faculty combines Colorectal and Allied Healthcare professionals with appropriate focus for each delegate.\n\nThe executive have developed this course to provide a comprehensive overview of the patient pathway and management guidelines, as well as practical demonstrations and simulations for conservative and surgical treatment options.\n\n DTSTART:20240603T080000Z DTEND:20240605T160000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR