BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ACPGBI 2022 Annual Meeting UID:3 DESCRIPTION:The ACPGBI Annual Meeting 2022 will be a face to face event, held in Edinburgh from Monday 4 July to Wednesday 6 July and will be held at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. \n\nThe full programme and registration for the event can be found here \n\nA TPFS symposium will be held on Wednesday 6th July:\n\nSymposium: Pelvic Floor for the ColoproctologistChairs: Karen Telford, Manchester, Lillian Reza, London, and Kim Gorissen, Oxford\n\nThe acutely constipated patient presenting on the emergency take - Tom Dudding, SouthamptonThe chronic constipated patient - Emma Carrington, LondonState of the art update on IBS: The new BSOG Guidelines - Dipesh Vasant, ManchesterConsultants' corner on operative topics (with interactive voting) - Panel TBC DTSTART:20230703T230000Z DTEND:20230705T230000Z LOCATION:Edinburgh International Convention Centre END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR