BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The 13th Pelvic Floor Society Annual Conference UID:4 DESCRIPTION:TPFS-UK is delighted to announce the go ahead for the 13th Annual Conference, due to take place in Leicester from the 9th to the 11th November 2022.\n\nThere will be a selection of Masterclasses (Endoanal Ultrasonography and Sacral Neuromodulation) on Wednesday 9th (afternoon) as well as an Allied Health Professional full study day on Wednesday 9th November.\n\nThe Scientific programme will take place on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th November which will be an all - round educational programme. Details of the programme can be found below.\n\nWe learn so much through networking, chatting to each other, comparing experiences and getting to know each other. and we look forward to seeing you again in Leicester this November\n\nAccommodationHotel accommodation for delegates has been arranged at a special discounted rate of £119 (Double room) for sole occupancy (including B & B ) or £129 (including B & B) for a double occupancy at the nearby Novotel Leicester where there will also be arranged transport to and from Winstanley House.\n\nPlease quote the code CMEVENTS/ The Pelvic Floor Society, when booking to get this special rate               (Bookings for this rate close on 25th October 2022)\n\nThere are only a limited number of rooms at this price so please make sure you reserve early to avoid any disappointment\n\nGALA DINNERWe are excited to announce that the Gala dinner will take place at The National Space Centre Leicester, on the Evening of Thursday 10th of November. Please see Ticket information below for prices and further details. The tickets include a 3 course meal with wine and welcome drink on arrival as well as transportation to and from the venue. (Prices AHP £45 Other £60)\n\nFor full details on the scientific programme and for registration details, click here\n\n DTSTART:20231109T000000Z DTEND:20231110T000000Z LOCATION:Winstanley House, Leicester END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR