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PLG statement

The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) has an active Patient Liaison Group (PLG) who provide a patient and public voice to the Association. They help us deliver a professional service to meet the current and future needs of colorectal patients and continue to improve patient care. The Chair of the PLG sits on the Executive Committee of The Pelvic Floor Society (TPFS) and champion for the patient perspective in the running of the society.


The PLG represents and champions the priorities of patients and it highlights patients’ communication, information and physical and emotional support needs, so that patients can make the very best decisions about their treatment and have a good experience during their care process, as well as good clinical outcomes at the end of treatment.


The PLG can raise areas of patient concern with the Society and responds to requests to provide views, comments and written commentaries for a patient readership for use by the association, both for its own members and for an external professional and public audience. In this way, the PLG seeks to inform patients and the public about pelvic floor issues and their impact on patient care and the public.


Composed of eight lay people, the PLG is entirely voluntary and unpaid. Most of its members have considerable experience both as patients with colorectal disease and also in patient support groups, such as the Ileostomy & Internal Pouch Association and the Colostomy Association.


There are strict terms of reference to ensure that the group acts in the best interests of patients at all times and as independent private individuals, so that they can voice honest and critical opinions both to the association and to other external committees.