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Rectal Prolapse Surgical Management Cadaveric Course

Rectal Prolapse Surgical Management Cadaveric Course

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The course is designed for hands-on practice on Thiel cadavers
Consultants, Fellows and ST7 to ST8 with an interest in pelvic floor dysfunction
Each sessions will be preceded by talks and video presentations followed by cadaveric practical session and demonstration
Day 1: Start time on the Wednesday afternoon
Laparoscopic Suturing Techniques 
Day 2: All day
Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy  / Posterior Rectopexy
Day 3: All day with early afternoon finishing time
Delorme´s / Perineal Recto-sigmoidectomy - Altemeier
Further details:
More details will be available in due course. Keep an eye on our twitter feed for updates. 
For more information:
