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Research Priorities



Help us identify the big unanswered questions for faecal incontinence.


The James Lind Alliance ( in collaboration with The Pelvic Floor Society are launching a priority setting partnership to identify the ‘Top 10’ research priorities for the stigmatised condition of faecal incontinence. 


Why we need your help:

Faecal incontinence is a common but under studied condition that has a significant impact on the lives of those afflicted by it. Stigma, embarrassment, and inequalities in access to care lead to many individuals living in silence. 


The aim of this project is to ask patients, carers, charities and healthcare professionals what they think future research should focus on to improve the experience of those living with faecal incontinence. We want to ensure that future research about incontinence care addresses issues or problems that are important to patients, families and those that support them.




What is involved?

Our survey is designed to identify what matters most to you, and any unanswered questions you may have about faecal incontinence.By completing our survey you will be helping shape future research into this imporant condition.  The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. 


Who can take part in the survey?

In this survey we would like to hear from:

  • People who are living with faecal incontinence
  • People who are caring for someone that has faecal incontinence
  • People who have family or friends that have faecal incontinence
  • Health, social care or other professionals supporting or treating people with faecal incontinence
  • Volunteers supporting people with faecal incontinence (for example as member of a local community, volunteers or befrienders)
  • Members of the public with an interest in helping others with faecal incontinence.

We are not seeking responses from industry or researchers in this field.




Who is involved?

The faecal incontinence priority setting partnership is led by The Pelvic Floor Society. 

The project is independently overseen by the James Lind Alliance, a non-profit making initiative, which is funded by the National Institute of Health Research. Its aim is to bring patients, carers and health care professionals together to identify and prioritise research questions in order to influence the prioritisation of future research in that area.


JLA advisers are independent consultants who support and guide Priority Setting Partnerships as neutral facilitators, to make sure that the process is followed in a fair and transparent way. They ensure equal input from the perspectives of patients, carers and clinicians.


The Steering Group

The project is managed by a Steering Group, led by an independent chair from the James Lind Alliance. The Steering Group includes representation of people with lived experience and professionals.


The James Lind Alliance Chair:

Dr Louise Dunford, JLA Advsisor


Members of the Steering Group:

  • Thomas Dudding – Consultant Colorectal Surgeon – University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust
  • Alex O’Connor – Pelvic Floor Research Fellow – Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
  • Julie Cornish – Consultant Colorectal Surgeon - Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Cardiff. Vice President of the MASIC Foundation (Mothers with Anal Sphincter Injuries in Childbirth)
  • Emma Carrington – Consultant Surgeon and Clinical Senior Lecturer Imperial College London – Chair of the Research Committee of The Pelvic Floor Society
  • Jennie Grainger – Consultant Colorectal Surgeon – Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Marcus Drake – Consultant Urologist and Professor of Physiological Urology Imperial College London – Trustee of International Continence Society
  • Aziza Sesay – General Practitioner, GP educator, Honorary Senior Clinical lecturer 
  • Dipesh Vasant – Consultant Gastroenterologist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
  • Polly Weston - Association of Continence Advice (ACA) Chair
  • Kate Lough - Pelvic Obstetric & Gynaecological Physiotherapy Chair
  • Tatenda Marunda - Lead Biofeedback Practitioner - St. Mark’s Hospital, London
  • Sam Alexandra Rose – Patient & Bowel Research UK patient and public involvement (PPI) Manager
  • Tara Willson – Patient 
  • Anna Clements – Patient & MASIC Events/Education and Support Services Manager
  • Douglas Hallett – Patient



How can I stay updated about the project?

If you would like to be kept up to date with the project, follow us on twitter  (@FI_Priorities) and use the hashtag #FIPSP