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Anterior repair
An anterior repair also known as an anterior colporrhaphy is a surgical procedure to repair or reinforce the fascial support layer between the bladder and the vagina. More Information
Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland


Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS)
PTNS involves sending a small electric signal to the nerves controlling the bowel and the muscles of the back passage. It is achieved by using a small needle (very much like an acupuncture needle) and inserting it behind the ankle where the tibial nerve runs. This nerve shares some of the nerve roots that supply your back passage. The needle is connected to an electric stimulator and it will send signals back up the nerve to help regulate your symptoms. More Information


In women, a rectocoele is a bulge in the front wall of the rectum that pushes into the back wall of the vagina. The rectum and vagina are normally separated by a strong sheet of fibrous tissue known as the “rectovaginal septum”. This sheet of tissue can become thin and weak over time, resulting in a rectocoele. A rectocoele may occur by itself or be part of a general weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Other pelvic organs, including the bladder (cystocoele) and small intestine (enterocoele), may also bulge into the vagina, causing similar symptoms. More Information
Rectal Prolapse
The colon and rectum refers to the large intestine or bowel, which forms the lowest part of the digestive system, and which ends at the anus (opening through which solid food waste or stool leaves the body).
A rectal prolapse occurs when the normal supports of the rectum (the lower end of the colon just above the anus) become weakened and the rectum drops down outside the anus. This often happens because the anal sphincter muscle (the muscle of the anus) has become weak and there is difficulty in controlling the bowels with leakage of stool or jelly like material called mucus. While this condition occurs in both sexes, it is much more common in women than men. More Information


STARR procedure
S.T.A.R.R. is an operation performed under a general or spinal anaesthetic that usually requires an overnight stay in hospital, but can be safely done as a day case.. The procedure involves removing, through your anus, the section of your rectum that contains the prolapse or the intussusception. The two remaining ends are then reconnected using special permanent medical staples made of titanium, which don’t set off airport scanners. The procedure can be very painful in the immediate postoperative period such that powerful painkillers will be prescribed. More Information
Sacral nerve stimulation
Sacral nerve stimulation (“SNS” for short) is used to treat several types of bladder problems and severe bowel incontinence. It is also occasionally offered for constipation and pelvic pain. Your specialist will discuss its use with you, along with other options. More Information