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Terms of Reference, Bylaws & Membership

Terms of Reference, Bylaws & Membership

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Bylaws & Constitution

Constitution and Byelaws
The Pelvic Floor Society
Revised April 2018

1. Name

The Society shall be known as The Pelvic Floor Society (TPFS).

2. Objectives

Within the areas of colorectal, gynaecology, urology, sexual health, and pelvic floor dysfunction for men and women to:

  • Define, promote and encourage high standards of practice of all professionals within these specialties
  • Provide professional leadership and direct national policy by engaging with Governmental bodies (DOH, NICE) on all matters relating to pelvic floor problems
  • Advance the knowledge base within these specialties by supporting clinical research, and funding UK pelvic floor clinical fellowships
  • Provide a forum for members to engage in critical discussion and exchange of information on all matters relating to pelvic floor problems
  • Promote and provide opportunities for members to improve their knowledge, skills, and understanding e.g. training initiatives, courses, workshops, mentoring, and relevant workplace activities
  • Set and monitor standards of pelvic floor investigation and practice
  • Develop links and collaborations with other healthcare professional organisations and bodies, and patient and public organisations

3. Policy

No action shall be taken by TPFS in any matter affecting the general policy of Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) without the consent of the Council of ACPGBI.

4. Membership

i. Criteria:
  • Membership will be open to annually subscribing members of all relevant professional organisations/bodies; (e.g. nurses, AHPs, midwives,     physiologists;) who are actively engaged in the management of, or the study of, patients with pelvic floor problems
  • Colorectal members are required to be members of the Association of Coloproctologists of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI)
  • Applications for membership will be considered by the Executive Committee, as required
  • New members will be introduced at the next AGM following their successful nomination
  • The subscription year runs from 01 January to 31 December
ii. Categories:
a. Ordinary

Ordinary membership applies to medical practitioners on the specialist register; medical specialists of any discipline related to pelvic floor disorders; specialist nurses, allied healthcare professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, clinical scientists etc.) and other non-medical healthcare professionals working in the field of pelvic floor disorders who have full membership of their own professional body; non-medical scientists holding a permanent appointment in the UK or Northern Ireland; and doctors in long-term locum consultant posts in the UK or Northern Ireland (>1 year), all of whom have a demonstrable interest in the diagnosis and management of pelvic floor disorders.

b. Associate

Associate membership applies to medical practitioners in training appointments who have a special interest in pelvic floor disorders.

c. Senior/retired

Senior membership applies to those members aged over 60 who have retired from clinical practice, and who no longer require the benefits of Ordinary membership.

d. Overseas

Overseas membership applies to duly registered medical practitioners residing and practising outside the UK and Northern Ireland but who have a demonstrable interest in pelvic floor disorder. They have the right to propose new members to the Society.

e. Honorary

At the discretion of the Executive Committee, Honorary membership may be offered to individuals who have advanced the management and treatment of pelvic floor disorders during their clinical career.

iii. Exclusions:

In the event of suspension by an NHS Trust or other employing authority, a TPFS member will be excluded from voting, attending Executive meetings (if an Executive Officer), and attending regional and local Pelvic Floor MDMs.
In the event of suspension by an NHS Trust or other employing authority, TPFS Executive will review each case to decide if that member may attend National or Regional TPFS meetings.

5. Nominations

i. Applicants must be nominated by two current members of TPFS, and are required to provide an up to date CV to support their application, plus other supporting information deemed appropriate.
ii. The Chairman and Secretary may not propose, but may second, applications for membership.

6. Voting Rights

Ordinary Members only will have full voting rights.
It is a mandatory requirement of membership that members will be expected to attend the full scientific programme of at least two out of every four meetings in the two-year period of office of the current Chairman. Members who fail to satisfy this requirement, without valid reason, may have their voting rights removed.
Associate Members, Senior (Retired) Members, Overseas Members and Honorary Members will have no voting rights.

7. Honorary Officers and Executive Committee Members

All Executive Committee roles are honorary positions.

i. Executive Committee Officers

The executive officers shall consist of Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.

ii. Executive Committee

Other roles on the Executive Committee shall include Membership Secretary, Education and Training Committee Chair, Quality Assurance, Clinical Governance and Accreditation  Committee Chair, Research and Development Committee Chair, Programmes Committee Chair, AHP Committee Chair, External Affairs Officer and ACPGBI Council representative.
In addition to the above, representatives will be sought from the Welsh Chapter ACPGBI, Scottish Chapter ACPGBI, Irish Chapter ACPGBI, The Dukes Club, BSG, and UKCS.

iii. Elections

During the course of the Autumn/Spring meetings, the current Chairman and Secretary shall seek nominations for the proposed new Chairman, and will confirm that those nominated are prepared to stand for election. The Chairman is ideally elected from within the existing executive committee and not open to public ballot. 
If more than one candidate is nominated, then election will be by ballot. In the event of a tie, the retiring Chairman may exercise his casting vote.
The Chairman may serve for a period of two years, and be re-elected for a further two-year term of office.
The other honorary officers shall be elected by members with voting rights annually at the AGM and may serve for an initial period of three years. If they stand for re-election, they may serve for a further three successive years. After this point, they may not be reappointed into their vacated Exec position. 

iv. Removal of Officers

Any Officer who fails to attend two consecutive business meetings without good cause, or fails to pay fees, shall no longer be an Officer of TPFS.

ii. Resignations

Resignations must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall be empowered to fill any casual vacancy among the honorary or other officers. In such cases the officer appointed shall retire at the next AGM, or seek formal ratification of appointment.

iii. Quorum

One third of members of the Executive Committee will form a quorum.

iv. Co-option

The Executive Committee shall have power to co-opt annually not more than three persons.

8. AGM

The Annual General Meeting will be held during the October/November meeting of TPFS or not later than fifteen months following the previous AGM, and is open to all members. The quorum for the AGM shall be 10 voting members.
All matters of policy concerning TPFS shall be decided by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present at the AGM.
Twenty-one days’ notice of the meeting shall be given which shall include date, time and location of the meeting, together with a copy of the draft agenda. The business shall be:

a. To receive and adopt the annual report and accounts for the previous year
b. To annouce forthcoming Executive vacancies and previous appointmnets to the Exec in the preceding 12 months. 
c. To transact any other business. Such business shall be notified to the Chairman no fewer than forty eight hours prior to the AGM

9. General Meetings

The Executive Committee will meet at least twice a year with one meeting being held during the Annual Conference.

10. Administration

The Honorary Secretary will be responsible for providing minutes of General Meetings, Annual General Meetings, and revisions of the Constitution and Byelaws, and shall correspond as appropriate with the Membership, and other professional bodies and associations.
The Honorary Membership Secretary shall manage and administer the membership database and applications for membership, and shall correspond with the Membership as necessary.
The Honorary Treasurer will be responsible for administering the finances of the Society and shall liaise with the Treasurer of ACPGBI.

11. Finances and Accounts

TPFS is responsible for financial support of all its meetings and activities. Sponsorship will be sought from industry as appropriate and necessary.
All debts and liabilities incurred by or on behalf of TPFS are the sole responsibility of TPFS, and are not the responsibility of ACPGBI. Any contractual or other arrangements with third parties shall contain a statement to that effect.

12. Indemnity

No member shall be held liable to TPFS/ACPGBI for any financial loss arising from any expenditure of its funds unless made fraudulently or negligently, which shall include failure to take internal or external appropriate advice.
No member shall be held liable to TPFS/ACPGBI for any losses arising from the negligence or fraud of any of the Association's employees, volunteers or other agents providing that reasonable supervision of such parties has been exercised.

13. Dissolution

If TPFS is wound up for any reason, and after all its debts and liabilities have been satisfied, any residual monies shall be transferred to ACPGBI, or any such charitable cause having aims similar to the TPFS/ACPGBI.
Notification of the dissolution of TPFS shall be lodged with the Council of ACPGBI.

Benefits of Joining The Society

The aims of the society are to set and raise standards in Pelvic Floor Surgery and to update members on the advances in the speciality. TPFS works closely with the ACPGBI where our Secretariat is located. We also collaborate with other organisations including the UKCS, BSUG and female reconstructive Urology of BAUS, POGP, Pain Society etc. TPFS hold two meetings a year: Annual Scientific meeting, Annual Research Meeting and several PFCourses. The Research Meeting is free to members of the society. TPFS has an Executive and six sub-committees. Members are encouraged to apply to join any of the sub-committees i.e. QA & Governance, Training, Scientific Meetings and Research & Development.

Who is eligible to join?

Any Colorectal member of the pelvic floor MDT and is currently working in the UK or Ireland and is believed to be suitably qualified by the society can apply to join as a full or associate member by paying the annual subscription fee of the ACPGBI.

Who is eligible for Full Membership?

Any consultant colorectal surgeon and fully paid up member of the ACPGBI may become a member of TPFS as well as an fully paid up member of BSUG, UKCS & BAUS, POGP.

Who is eligible for Associate Membership?

Any colorectal trainee in the UK who has passed their MRCS examination and is in a training or non training post and who is believed to be suitably qualified by the society can apply to join as an associate member by joining ACPGBI.

Benefits of Joining

 Full membership includes membership to ACPGBI & UKCS.  As a result members receive a copy of Colorectal Disease every month and have a discount rate when registering for national and international meetings.  Professional representation at NICE, NSEngland, ACPGBI, RCS & RCOG. By becoming a member of TPFS, you will have access to an educational platform of our website, including access to educational resources, discounts on courses, and the option to be on our mailing list, receiving regular updates from the society.

Professional advice, support and mentoring

 Recognised regional & national network including study days.

Access to TPFS database

 A surgical audit database has been produced for Full Members to record their cases and outcomes for incontinence and prolapse surgery. This is free to TPFS members and should be helpful for appraisal, revalidation and applying for clinical excellence awards. It is also a CQUINS requirement.

Citations for Awards

 The Society is keen to provide citations for members who wish to apply for national awards (this might be extended to local awards).


 Members who wish to undertake research can be helped with methodological and statistical advice.

Committee Elections

 Elections for Committee Members and Officers shall be held at the Annual General Meeting. Full members can submit nominations for committee members and these should be submitted a week prior to the AGM.

Other Benefits

 Guidelines and validated questionnaires will all be accessible through the website.  Members wishing to discuss interesting cases will be able to post their clinical case via the website for a consensus opinion.  The education committee will update the website about Courses and any changes related to SpR and Subspecialty training which is of immense value to the regional and national trainees. We aspire to offer education grants.  Development of workshops to meet the specific needs of members and discounts on workshop fees.  Full Members can place adverts for courses that they are organising provided they are vetted by the Committee for free on the committee website.

Application for Membership

Membership will be granted based on the ability to demonstrate excellence in the delivery of specialist pelvic floor services. Members should be actively engaged in the study or management of patients with pelvic floor disorders. There is currently no subscription charge for membership of the Pelvic Floor Society outside of the requirement for colorectal members to be members of ACPGBI.

Members of the Pelvic Floor Society will be able to enjoy discounted rates to attend local and national scientific meetings affiliated to e.g., ACPGBI, or organised by, the society. The Pelvic Floor Society will meet two times per year in January and October. An AGM will be held after the October meeting. Members must attend the full scientific programme of at least two out of every four meetings over a two-year period to retain membership to the society. Members who fail to satisfy the attendance requirement, without acceptable reason, will lose their member status and will have be proposed for re-election following the same procedure for new members.

Membership Categories

(Subscription year runs from 1st January to 31st December)

Ordinary membership

 Ordinary membership applies to medical practitioners on the specialist registrar, associate specialists in any discipline related to pelvic floor disorders, non-medically qualified scientists holding a permanent appointment in the UK or Ireland and doctors in long-term locum consultant posts in the UK or Ireland (> 1 year), all of whom have a demonstrable interest in the diagnosis and management of pelvic floor disorders. Ordinary members will have full voting rights and will be required to attend two out of every four national meetings.

Affiliate membership

Affiliate membership applies to specialist nurses, behavioural therapists,physiotherapists, clinical scientists, staff grades and other technicians working in the field of pelvic floor disorders. Members have full voting rights and will be required to attend two out of every four national meetings.

Associate membership

Associate membership applies to medical practitioners in training appointments who have a special interest in pelvic floor disorders. They will have no voting rights and have no requirement to attend regular meetings.

Senior membership

Senior membership applies to those aged over the age of 60 that no longer wish to be ordinary members. Senior members will have no requirement to attend regular meetings but will give up their voting rights in doing so. They will however be able to propose new members to the society.

Overseas membership

 applies to duly registered medical practitioners residing and practicing outside the UK and Ireland, who have a demonstrable interest in pelvic floor disorders. Overseas members will have no requirement to attend regular meetings and will have no voting rights although they will be able to propose new members to the society.