The Pelvic Floor Society Research Committee is pleased to welcome abstracts for presentation at The Pelvic Floor Society 2024 Annual Meeting which will be held at the Harbour Hotel in Southampton from November 13th - 15th 2024.
Successful abstracts will be allocated either a poster, an oral or a video presentation on November 15th 2024. Awards will be given for the highest ranked abstract in each class.
To be eligible, presenters should be either a medical student, postgraduate student in a discipline related to pelvic health, surgical / medical trainee, nurse or allied health practitioner.
Two categories of abstract will be considered:
- Written abstracts - related to original research, quality improvement or audit. These will be considered for poster or oral presentation.
- Video abstracts - related to surgical (e.g. operative / procedural) or conservative (e.g. physiotherapy / conservative therapy) techniques.
Abstracts can be on any subject relating to pelvic floor (dys)function within the fields of gastroenterology, colorectal surgery, urology, andrology, urogynaecology, rheumatology, psychology, pelvic pain. Clinical, basic science and healthcare systems abstracts will be considered.
Written abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words long and divided into introduction, methods, results and conclusion sections. A maximum of 2 images/tables may be included and submitted as a single PDF file. The title of any PDF images should be 'presentingauthorsurname_presentingauthorforename_written2024' e.g.Lister_Joseph_written2024.pdf.
Video abstracts should be no more than 3 minutes in length and in mp4 format. A short 100 word abstract describing the video should accompany the video submission. The title of the video should be 'presentingauthorsurname_presentingauthorforename_video2024' e.g. Hunter_John_video2024.mp4. The video itself should be sent by WeTransfer to
Videos should include a clear introduction stating the purpose of the video, followed by quality video footage and end with a presentation of conclusions. All videos should be accompanied by a clear voice-over. Videos should have a minimum definition of 720p (1080p preferred). If clinical footage is being presented, it is the authors' responsibility to ensure that patient permission has been granted for presentation.
By submitting an abstract, the presenter is confirming that, should they be selected, they will be able to attend the meeting to present their work.
Use the form below in order to submit your application before 6pm on Friday October 4th.
Good luck and don't forget to register at The Pelvic Floor Society 15th Annual Conference - Autumn 2024 — CME Connect | Meet | Educate.
Application form: